Putting the purpose into a CEO profile interview
It isn’t rare to see an interview with a chief executive in the media. But hearing a CEO speak with authenticity, conviction and evidence about the culture and values of their workplace isn’t such a common occurrence.
Flushed out: why privacy beat compliance in home worker software controversy
PR is about the framing of ideas and winning people around to your point of view. Rarely has this been better illustrated than in the news coverage of the facial recognition software developed to monitor the thousands of City employees forced to work from home during lockdown.
Most powerful PR tactic? Case closed
If you doubt the power of employer PR, here are two words to convince you: Rachael Trigg. Ms Trigg, a 24-year-old maintenance and repairs hire for Thames Water at its Chieveley Sewage Works plant in Newbury, Berks, appeared in five different national newspapers to illustrate a story about the importance of language in job adverts.
The good, the bad and the ugly of corporate communications in lockdown
We take a look at the good, the bad and the ugly of lockdown communications and the vital lessons that can be learned from them.
How a PR campaign might just have saved your favourite pub
Covid-19 laid waste to most sectors of British business, but pubs suffered more than most. At the very heart of their pain lay the issue of rents. Many corporate landlords refused to waive rent during lockdown even though their tenants had pulled up the shutters at the government’s behest.